So basically this map is an extension for Gta San andreas located at LS beach in Los Santos.
This map was inspired in the anime/manga Initial D. the modder who created this copied every detail in the said anime/manga. kudos sir dewalk28!
here are some few pictures that shows its details, where going start at the mountain's foot going to the top.
So this is starting point.
the first curve
he even created signage, headlight reflectors and road signs.
1st building structure inside the map.
roads are not fully finished. lol joke it was intentional to put those to add cosmetics in the map
an offroad passage that is only accessible via foot. inside it has a crazy maze. i don't wanna go there it took me 5 minutes to get out. so no maze for now. :D
2nd building structure inside the map
Pedestrians look from left to right before you cross the road lol.
because itsdark at night they added light poles for better sight in midnight touge runs or normal mountain pass.(take note of the tire screech in the road)
at daylight this is park, but at midnights it is meeting place for touge drifters.
The fog point or the above the clouds point of the mountain.
some signs.
if you have an emergency tire problem you can stop here.
he even copied the highgrounds that takumi uses in the anime
glimpse of Los Santos Downtown from Sakina.
since the japanese are very neat in terms of cleaning.they put these signage to preserved the mountain
we're almost at the summit hang it there!
another glimpse of the LS downtown from the top
we're at the summit where the downhill races starts. at night this place is crowded by people to watch the races.
The Dead end zone. the modder thinks it would be wiser not to finish it for now. maybe he had enough? or he doesn't know where the road goes anymore hehehe.
i forgot to show you the infamous hairpin in Sakina.
this map has many features you just need to see it for yourself. oh i forgot the modder made a game inside the map.
The modder doesn't want any change for the map so if you want to change some parts of the map maybe ask dewalk28 first.
So thats it for now.
since i cant find your blog i'll just put the download link from Download)
big thanks too to
Steven Incomio for letting me use his Ps13(His blog)
peace out!